Personlig informasjon
Ekstra informasjon kreves
I understand and agree that the following email addresses can not be used with our system, AT&T, Hotmail,, Outlook, Live, and MSN. I understand if I use one of those email addresses that I will not receive email communication from UNIFY Hosting. Which means I will not receive my username or password to use with UNIFY hosting services. If possible try to use Gmail, Yahoo, or Aol email address.
I Understand and Agree UNIFY Hosting is an IMARKETZONE product/service and there are no refunds once service has been activated. This is a digital service and no product(s) will be shipped. It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain the proper equipment and services to use to use the UNIFY Hosting service.
I Understand and Agree that IMARKETZONE will be on my bank or credit card statement as the charging company for UNIFY Hosting. Furthermore, I also understand and agree that I am signing up for automatic payments and if I want to cancel service I will submit a ticket through the client area.
I Understand and Agree that if I initiate a chargeback with my bank my service will be suspended immediately, my account(s) with UNIFY Hosting will be closed and I will never be allowed to order any product(s) or services from UNIFY Hosting or IMARKETZONE again.
I Understand and Agree that my service will be activated immediately. I also understand that I will receive my activation instruction by email at the email address that I used to purchase service. If I have not received my activation instructions, I agree to check my spam and junk folder. I also agree that I will email IMARKETZONE at before contacting my financial institution. If contacting my financial institution is required I will supply an email as proof that I tried to contact IMARKETZONE before taking further action.

Passordstyrke: Angi et passord

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